Two kids, one spouse, two parents, one job, two domestic helps, one driver, one cook and still I can't find time to blog. Something's otta be wrong with me...
Jokes apart, life goes through a tumble with the arrival of a brand new baby. In our case, we have been blessed with 'I' last October - one cutie bundle of joy. And what a joy they bring -
Infectious smile beaming at you
Innocent yet naughty round big button eyes looking out for you
Tiny plump hands touching you
Pink mouth cooing and spitting at you
Soft little feet pushing you
Packaged in a delicate skin for you
Waiting to be nurtured, protected and loved by you...
Arrival of 'I' has ensured that everyone around him is in a constant state of action - and he is growing up quickly. It is a wonder how babies learn so fast- do they get tutored in their sleep? So while he is learning the tricks, S is on a jet plane to 'grown up' land. He wants to know everything, EVERYTHING. We are trying our best to impart the best knowledge to him but he has already learnt fast that you can 'Google' everything and find your answers. Kudos to technology, they might make parents also obsolete very soon!
Raising kids is perhaps THE most challenging job of all times, in these times. As parents, you have to be smart, funny, suave, with-IT, in IT, on IT (?) etc. And despite your best efforts you don't know if you will be able to be the 'cool parents of the boys; that you aspire to be. Why worry now but thats a thought...
Until next time, I find time in the conundrum called life!
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